
REMINDER!!: Make sure to read my post explaining and review of P2S.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


A long time ago when I was in the 1st grade I broke one of my permanent teeth when I fell while playing dodge ball. The pain was horrible and because I was in so much pain I didn't notice while I was walking home that I lost the half of my tooth that broke off. Well, that period was the first time I had gotten an abscess and a root canal. 

Here I am 13 years later with another abscess in the same tooth and needing another root canal. Either my tolerance for pain increased over the years or something since this abscess hasn't been anywhere near as painful. But, regardless its painful enough to cause me to lose a lot of sleep... 

And I'm worried hoping that they won't need to pull the tooth since its one of my teeth right up in the very front. D:

To Be Continued...

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